Jumpbeat Strategy Blog

Does a Small Business Need a Business Strategy?

Does a small business need a business strategy? I would say “yes” in most situations, unless a business owner is happy with the day-to-day and there is no threat of competition. But there is always the threat of competition or the possibility that a business becomes obsolete. If there is any desire to grow or improve the business or the owner’s situation, a growth strategy is certainly needed for the business to reach its greatest potential and doesn’t have to mean more work for the owner.

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7 Reasons Why Business Strategy is Important

BUSINESS STRATEGY Andy Lambrecht, Founder & CEO, Jumpbeat Strategy 9 July 2018 “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where – “ said Alice. “Then it...

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Key Elements of a Winning Business Strategy

Business Strategy Andy Lambrecht, Founder & CEO, Jumpbeat Strategy 03 July, 2018 What Is A Business Strategy? A business strategy is a well thought out plan that guides the business in achieving its vision.  A successful business uses the strategy to guide all...

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Andy Lambrecht

Andy Lambrecht

Founder, CEO

Andy is the founder and CEO of Jumpbeat Strategy.  Andy has a passion for designing business, product, and marketing strategies, and seeing businesses succeed by those strategies. Prior to establishing Jumbpeat Strategy, Andy spent more than 30 years working in technology businesses ranging in size from pre-IPO startups to Fortune 500 companies, including Texas Instruments, AMD, Analog Devices, and others.